Students studying together in Holy Cross Hall at St. Edward's University

Student Success

Dedicated to Your Full Potential

At St. Edward’s, 我们提供一个团队,致力于为您的成功提供个性化的支持和资源,在您的学术经历的每个阶段. 从成功指导和职业准备到教师建议和指导, 我们强大的计划准备你成为一个批判性的思想家和全面发展的学生.

A student meets with a success coach at a patio table.

Success Coaches

我们的成功教练会倾听你的目标和挣扎,并与你一起选择最好的学术道路. They’ll help you identify classes, 导师和课外活动与你的激情相一致,使你的大学生涯充满活力.


Academic Support

有同伴辅导和补充指导等服务可以让你在课堂上取得成功. Additionally, 星期一图书馆有一些特殊的资源,比如写作中心和数学实验室.

Two students take notes at a table.

Career and Professional Development

At St. Edward’s, you’ll have access to career services for life. 我们的职业教练随时为您提供帮助, internship, or post-graduation search journey. 无论是制作简历还是利用宝贵的社交机会, 你通往充实职业生涯的道路将永远得到全力支持.


Study Abroad

山顶者是一个具有全球意识的群体,他们培养了对世界更深入的了解. Study Abroad at St. 爱德华为我们的学生提供了体验其他文化的机会, 促进他们的成长,增强他们为更美好的世界做出贡献的能力.


International Student Services (ISS)

我们的国际校园社区汇集了不同的文化和观点. ISS赞助促进跨文化分享和学习的活动和项目, along with advising students on various regulations, authorizations and more.

两名学生残疾服务中心的工作人员站在外面的一张桌子上,上面放着信息海报和烦躁玩具. 背景是蓝黄相间的气球柱和树木.

Student Disability Services

有残疾证明的学生与学生残疾服务中心合作,提供学术和住房住宿, 推荐服务和指导,确保平等获得充实的大学经历.


College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

St. 爱德华学院自豪地拥有美国最长的连续课程.S. 我们的CAMP学者将获得高度个性化的支持计划,根据他们的学术兴趣量身定制,帮助他们从大学经历中获得最大收益.

A Checklist for Success

驾驭大学生活并不一定要独自完成——使用这些信息作为指导,帮助你的学生成功地度过你在圣乔治大学的前15周. Edward’s.

  • By Week 1, your student should have a finalized class schedule. 和他们核对一下,确保他们已经正确注册了课程, 提醒你的学生,他们可以联系他们指定的 Success Coach to ask questions about class registration or schedules.
  • By Week 2, your student will activate their Handshake account. 通过登录,学生可以获得即将到来的实习和就业机会. Let them know a Career Coach is there to help them review resumes, work on their LinkedIn profile, and provide career assessments when needed.
  • By Week 3, your student will have received a Student Success Survey. 对你的学生来说,参加调查是很重要的,这样他们的成功教练才能在他们在山顶的时间里最好地支持他们.
  • Meanwhile, 你的学生可能已经收到了与出勤有关的学术警告, engagement, course progression). Talk to your student about engagement in their courses, 提醒他们查看成功教练的通知, and make a plan for staying engaged in class!
  • 如果你的学生有残疾,建议通过 Week 4 they have provided any necessary documentation to Student Disability Services and set up an appointment with a disability counselor. 如果你的学生没有联系学生残疾服务中心,没关系,他们还有时间.
  • By Week 6, your student will begin preparing for their midterm exams. Remind them of the free Academic Support Services they can take advantage of to level up their study skills.
  • By Week 7, your student should have set up an appointment with their Success Coach and/or Faculty Advisor to plan out their classes. 提醒你的学生,成功教练将帮助他们选择符合他们的学术和职业目标以及学位要求的课程.
  • By Week 8, your student has made it halfway through the semester! 和他们联系,看看他们到目前为止做得怎么样——他们是在努力学习还是跟上了课业负荷? 如果是这样,你的学生可以随时和他们的老师预约 Success Coach 并学习如何实施许多成功的学习策略.
  • By Week 9, 你的学生应该开始制定计划,以满足他们下学期的体验式学习要求. Your student can  join one or more career communities 了解他们感兴趣的行业或专业领域的机会!
  • By Week 10, your student should know their professors. If they don’t, it’s not too late. All faculty members have office hours, 所以如果你的学生对课程或职业领域有疑问, encourage them to stop by for a visit.
  • By Week 11, Have they met with a Success Coach and/or Faculty Advisor to plan out their classes? 提醒你的学生,成功教练将帮助他们选择符合他们的学术和职业目标以及学位要求的课程. 虽然新生不需要与指导老师见面, 和教授讨论未来的计划也无妨.
  • By Week 13,你的学生将开始注册下学期的课程. Remind them to stop by the Registration Quick Fix, happening in Moody Hall during registration week, if they have questions or concerns.
  • By Week 15, your student will be preparing for final exams. 祝他们好运,给他们指明正确的方向 Academic Support Services 比如在线辅导、数学实验室、写作中心等等.